The concept is based on a folksonomy as data structure. Tags describe a set of information visualizations from various points of view. These tags are organized in a classification scheme and are grouped into three categories (Data, Visualization, Interaction) and different bundles (e.g. the tag “text” is organized in the bundle “data type” and belongs to the category “Data”). The data set contains 700 visualization projects that are stored with title, description, preview picture, and a link to the project website.
The resulting DelViz (Deep exploration and lookup of Visualizations) concept supports different search tasks: finding suitable information visualizations for a given context, and analysis of the underlying structured data set to discover relationships between the visualization. To support these search tasks, the application offers two flexible areas: the representation of the categories, bundles and tags on the left-hand side, and the information visualizations presented as thumbnails on the right-hand side. A splitter in the middle can be used to expand one of these two areas to change the level of detail on either side.
DelViz concept
Multidimensional classification scheme
Bezier curves
Two flexible areas
Gallery Mode
The prototype is developed in Microsoft Silverlight using Deep Zoom Composer (only available in Internet Explorer).
Related Student Projects
TagCircus – Analysis of the tag network on a multi-touch table
Facettice – a search history visualization
TagStar – a recommendation glyph supports the tagging process
TagStar – Glyphs allow to analyze the underlying data set
Mirko de Almeida Madeira Clemente (2011). Entwicklung eines interaktiven Visualisierungskonzepts zur computergestützten Indexierung in kollaborativen Anwendungskontexten. Diplom Technische Universität Dresden – Video:
Benjamin Bach (2010). Facettice: Integrating Faceted Navigation and Concept Lattices for Visual Data Exploration. Diplom Technische Universität Dresden – Video:
Mirko de Almeida Madeira Clemente (2010). Entwicklung eines Visualisierungskonzepts für Tag-Netzwerke auf einem Multi-Touch-Display. Beleg Technische Universität Dresden – Video:
Related Publications
Mandy Keck, Dietrich Kammer, René Iwan, Severin Taranko, Rainer Groh: DelViz: Exploration of Tagged Information Visualizations. Informatik 2011 - Interaktion und Visualisierung im Daten-Web, Berlin, 2011.
Mandy Keck, Dietrich Kammer, Jan Wojdziak, Severin Taranko, Rainer Groh: DelViz: Untersuchen von Visualisierungsformen durch eine Klassifizierung beruhend auf Social Tagging. Virtual Enterprises, Communities & Social Networks: Workshop GeNeMe '10 Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien, TUDpress, Dresden, 2010.
Mandy Keck, Dietrich Kammer, Grit Koalick, René Iwan, Severin Taranko, Daniel Wuttig: DelViz - Deep exploration and lookup of Visualizations. presentation @ see conference #6, Wiesbaden, Germany, 13.04.2011.
Mandy Keck, Grit Koalick, Dietrich Kammer, Severin Taranko, Jan Wojdziak: DelViz: Ein Werkzeug zur Exploration von Visualisierungen. In: Groh, Rainer; Zavesky, Martin (Ed.): {TUDpress} Verlag der Wissenschaft, Dresden, 2011, ISBN: 978-3-942710-39-8.
Dietrich Kammer, Mandy Keck, Christian Röpke, Rainer Groh: Multitouch-Gestensteuerung für das neuartige Suchinterface DelViz. Mensch & Computer 2012 – Workshopband: interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?
, Oldenbourg Verlag, München, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-486-71990-1.
Mirko de Almeida Madeira Clemente AND Mandy Keck AND Rainer Groh: TagStar: ein interaktives Indexierungs- und Analysewerkzeug. Mensch & Computer 2012: interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?, Oldenbourg Verlag, München, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-486-71879-9.
Mirko de Almeida Madeira Clemente AND Mandy Keck AND Rainer Groh: TagStar: A Glyph-based Interface for Indexing and Visual Analysis. Proceedings of the 2014 International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, AVI '14 ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4503-2775-6.
This research has been supported by the European Union and the Free State Saxony through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The concept was developed in the project [vi.c] that has been conducted in cooperation of the Chair of Media Design – Technische Universität in Dresden and queo GmbH from Dresden, Germany.