Construction Kit for Visual Exploration Interfaces Although many novel approaches to exploring complex data sets exist, little guidance is available for novice… Construction Kit, Visual Search
Glyphboard With the internet, massively heterogeneous data sources need to be understood and classified to provide suitable… Flexible Displays, Similarity Search
Zoomable Product Browser for Elastic Displays The interaction concept for elastic displays is inspired by the search process of a rummage table… Flexible Displays, Similarity Search
Search by Example The concept presents a visual approach for a similarity search in a financial product scenario and… Financial Search, Similarity Search
Get Inspired The Recommendation-based concept was designed to support and trigger emotionally driven decisions and uses an ontology… Recommendation-based Search, Travel Search
Parallel Sets The interface is designed for travel search based on the principle of parallel sets and a… Parallel Sets, Travel Search
Parallel Coordinates The interface concept is designed for financial search and the concept focuses on data sets that… Parallel Coordinates
DelViz The concept is based on a folksonomy as data structure. Tags describe a set of information… folksonomy, infoviz, relations